The Benefits of SAP Certifications: A Comprehensive Guide

SAP certifications have become increasingly important in today’s job market. As technology continues to advance, businesses are relying more and more on SAP software to streamline their operations and improve efficiency. Certifications validate an individual’s expertise in using SAP software and can greatly enhance their career prospects. In this article, we will explore the different types of SAP certifications, their advantages, and the importance of these certifications for employers.

Understanding SAP Certifications

Certifications are professional qualifications that demonstrate an individual’s proficiency in using SAP software. SAP, which stands for Systems, Applications, and Products in Data Processing, is a leading provider of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. SAP certifications are globally recognised and are highly valued by employers in various industries.

There are different types of certifications available, each focusing on a specific area of SAP software. Some popular certifications include SAP Certified Application Associate, SAP Certified Development Associate, and SAP Certified Technology Associate. These certifications cover a wide range of topics such as finance, human resources, supply chain management, and data analytics.

They range from beginner level up to experienced SAP Consultant level. These requirements may include having relevant work experience, completing specific training courses, or passing prerequisite exams. It is important for candidates to carefully review the eligibility criteria for the certification they are interested in pursuing.

Advantages of Obtaining an SAP Certification

Obtaining an SAP certification can provide numerous advantages for individuals looking to advance their careers in the technology industry. Some of the key benefits include improved career opportunities, increased earning potential, enhanced skills and knowledge, recognition and credibility, and access to the SAP community and resources.

  1. Improved career opportunities: Having an SAP certification can open doors to new career opportunities. Many employers specifically look for candidates with SAP certifications when hiring for roles that require expertise in using SAP software. With an SAP certification, individuals can stand out from other job applicants and increase their chances of landing their dream job.
  2. Increased earning potential: SAP certifications can also lead to higher earning potential. According to a survey conducted by SAP, professionals with SAP certifications earn an average of 20% more than their non-certified counterparts. This is because employers recognise the value of SAP certifications and are willing to pay a premium for individuals with these qualifications.
  3. Enhanced skills and knowledge: SAP certifications require individuals to undergo rigorous training and pass exams that test their understanding of SAP software. This process helps individuals develop a deep understanding of SAP technology and gain valuable skills that can be applied in real-world scenarios. By obtaining an SAP certification, individuals can demonstrate their expertise in using SAP software and their ability to solve complex business problems.
  4. Recognition and credibility: SAP certifications are globally recognised and respected in the industry. When individuals have an SAP certification listed on their resume, it instantly adds credibility to their profile. Employers know that individuals with SAP certifications have undergone a rigorous process to validate their skills and knowledge, making them more trustworthy and reliable.
  5. Access to SAP community and resources: SAP certifications also provide individuals with access to a vast network of professionals who are also certified in using SAP software. This community can be a valuable resource for networking, sharing knowledge, and staying up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the industry. Additionally, SAP certified professionals have access to exclusive resources such as online forums, training materials, and support from the SAP community.

If unsure about SAP certifications, Contact us today and one of our Learning Consultants will be able to help and answer any of your questions

Importance of SAP Certifications for Employers

For Employers, SAP certifications are not only beneficial for individuals but also for employers. Hiring SAP certified professionals can bring numerous advantages to organisations, including improved productivity, reduced costs, enhanced customer satisfaction, and increased competitiveness.

Benefits of hiring SAP certified professionals: When organisations hire SAP certified professionals, they can be confident that they are hiring individuals who have the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively use SAP software. This can result in improved productivity as employees can quickly adapt to using SAP software and leverage its capabilities to streamline business processes. Additionally, SAP certified professionals are more likely to make fewer errors and be more efficient in their work, leading to cost savings for the organisation.

Impact of SAP certifications on organisational success: SAP certifications can have a significant impact on the success of an organisation. By having a team of SAP certified professionals, organisations can ensure that they are maximising the value of their investment in SAP software. These professionals can help organisations optimise their business processes, identify areas for improvement, and implement best practices. This can result in improved customer satisfaction, increased operational efficiency, and a competitive advantage in the market.

Preparing for SAP Certification Exams

Preparing for SAP certification exams requires careful planning and dedication. Here are some tips to help individuals prepare for their exams:

1. Understand the exam objectives: It is important to thoroughly review the exam objectives and understand what topics will be covered in the exam. This will help individuals focus their study efforts on the areas that are most relevant to the certification they are pursuing.

2. Take advantage of training courses: SAP offers a variety of training courses that are designed to help individuals prepare for their certification exams. These courses cover the key concepts and skills required for each certification and provide hands-on practice with SAP software.

3. Practice with sample questions: Practicing with sample questions can help individuals familiarise themselves with the format and types of questions that may be asked in the exam. SAP provides sample questions and practice exams that individuals can use to assess their knowledge and identify areas for improvement.

4. Create a study plan: Creating a study plan can help individuals stay organised and ensure that they cover all the necessary topics before the exam. It is important to allocate dedicated time each day or week for studying and stick to the plan.

5. Join study groups or forums: Joining study groups or online forums can provide individuals with the opportunity to connect with others who are also preparing for SAP certification exams. These groups can be a valuable resource for sharing study materials, discussing difficult concepts, and getting support from peers.

To learn more about SAP certification exams, Contact us today and one of our Learning Consultants will be able to help and answer any of your questions

The Value of SAP Certifications in Today’s Job Market

In conclusion, SAP certifications have become increasingly important in today’s job market. These certifications validate an individual’s expertise in using SAP software and can greatly enhance their career prospects. By obtaining an SAP certification, individuals can improve their career opportunities, increase their earning potential, enhance their skills and knowledge, gain recognition and credibility, and access a vast network of professionals and resources.

It is also important for employers to recognise the value of SAP certifications. Hiring SAP certified professionals can bring numerous benefits to organisations, including improved productivity, reduced costs, enhanced customer satisfaction, and increased competitiveness. By having a team of SAP certified professionals, organisations can ensure that they are maximising the value of their investment in SAP software and driving organisational success.

The rapidly evolving technology landscape, it is crucial for individuals to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in SAP technology. This can be achieved by continuously learning and obtaining new certifications as new versions of SAP software are released. By staying current with SAP technology and SAP Certifications, individuals can remain competitive in the job market and continue to add value to their organisations.

To learn more about SAP certifications in general, Contact us today and one of our Learning Consultants will be able to help and answer any of your questions


How do I become a Project Manager with no experience?


How do I become a project manager with no experience? We seemed to get asked this question quite a lot! Does this seem like an impossible feat? Fear not, as there are numerous avenues to explore that can set you on the right path. Let’s dive into it!

Firstly, consider pursuing a project management certification. This will not only enhance your knowledge and understanding of project management principles but also provide credibility to potential employers. Organisations such as Project Management Institute (PMI) offer certifications like the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM), which is highly regarded in the beginner field.

Additionally, getting involved in volunteer or side projects can help build valuable experience and showcase your dedication and skills to future employers. Look for opportunities within your industry or through platforms like LinkedIn where professionals often seek assistance with their projects.

Remember, while starting out as a project manager without any experience may feel daunting, it is possible with determination, continuous learning, and strategic networking. So grab every opportunity that comes your way and seize this chance to embark on an exciting new career journey!

The importance of project managers in today’s workforce.

With the ever-increasing complexity of projects in today’s workforce, the role of project managers has become of paramount importance. They are not just coordinators or administrators; they are the backbone of successful project execution. Project managers play a crucial role in setting clear goals and objectives, defining milestones, and ensuring effective communication among team members.

One key aspect where project managers excel is in their ability to manage resources efficiently. In an era where organisations face limitations on time, finances, and human resources, project managers are instrumental in allocating these resources effectively. Through careful planning and prioritisation, they ensure that tasks are delegated appropriately and deadlines are met promptly.

Moreover, another significant contribution by project managers is their focus on risk management. They diligently identify potential risks at every stage of a project’s lifecycle and develop contingency plans accordingly. By mitigating risks proactively rather than reacting to them later on, they save valuable time and money for organisations.

In conclusion, the importance of project managers cannot be overstated when it comes to successfully executing projects in today’s workforce. Their ability to manage resources efficiently while also addressing potential risks ensures that projects run smoothly from start to finish. With their expertise and skills honed through experience, they have become indispensable assets for any organisation looking to achieve excellence in its endeavours.

Understanding the role of a Project Manager

When it comes to the success of any project, the role of a project manager cannot be understated. Project managers are the glue that holds everything together, keeping team members and stakeholders aligned while ensuring that goals and objectives are met. They are the chief orchestrators, working tirelessly behind the scenes to coordinate resources, manage risks, and keep projects on track.

So, how do I become a Project Manager with no experience?

One key aspect of a project manager’s role is their ability to effectively communicate with various stakeholders. Successful project managers have excellent communication skills, allowing them to clearly articulate project expectations and deliverables to team members and clients alike. By fostering open lines of communication, they create an environment where everyone involved feels heard and valued.


Furthermore, a good project manager possesses strong leadership qualities. They serve as both motivators and mentors for their teams, providing guidance when needed while also empowering individuals to take ownership of their respective tasks. A skilled project manager understands how to strike this delicate balance between being assertive yet supportive, thereby bringing out the best in each team member.

In conclusion, while there may be many moving parts in any given project, it is ultimately up to the project manager to bring them all together harmoniously. Their ability to communicate effectively and provide leadership is what sets them apart as invaluable assets in achieving successful outcomes. So next time you find yourself embarking on a new venture or working on a complex task that requires coordination across multiple parties, remember just how vital the role of a project manager truly is!

Developing relevant skills and knowledge in Project Management.

As the field of project management continues to evolve, it is essential for professionals in this role to constantly develop and enhance their skills and knowledge. The ability to effectively manage projects requires a wide range of competencies, from leadership and communication to problem-solving and critical thinking. By actively seeking opportunities to learn new techniques, methodologies, and tools related to project management, individuals can stay relevant in a competitive market.

One way to develop relevant skills is through formal training programs or certifications. These programs provide a structured curriculum that covers comprehensive project management topics and equips participants with the necessary knowledge and techniques. Additionally, attending industry conferences or seminars can expose professionals to emerging trends and best practices.

In addition to formal training, another valuable way to expand one’s expertise is by joining professional associations or networking groups dedicated specifically to project management. Being part of these communities allows individuals to connect with peers who share similar challenges and successes in their projects. Through discussions, workshops, and forums, professionals can exchange insights and learn from real-world experiences – an invaluable source of practical knowledge that cannot be obtained from textbooks alone.

By continuously developing relevant skills in project management through formal training programs, active networking groups participation brings not only personal growth but also adds value as these improvements translate directly into better performance on projects. In today’s fast-paced business environment where change is constant, staying ahead requires staying updated with the latest tools and techniques – continuously improving technical skills ensures professionals remain competitive within the field.

Gaining experience through internships or volunteering.

How do I become a Project Manager with no experience?

Gaining experience through internships or volunteering in project management is a fantastic way to kickstart your career in this field. Not only do these opportunities provide you with practical skills and knowledge, but they also allow you to network with professionals and get a taste of what it’s like to work on real projects. Interning or volunteering in project management gives you the chance to apply the theories and concepts you’ve learned in your studies to real-life scenarios, helping you build confidence and refine your problem-solving abilities.

One key advantage of internships or volunteering in project management is the exposure to different industries and sectors. Each organisation or company will have its own unique challenges, methodologies, and client requirements. By diversifying your internships or volunteer experiences across multiple industries, you can gain valuable insights into how project management principles vary depending on the specific context. This exposure not only enhances your adaptability but also equips you with an expanded skill set that can be applied across various fields.

Furthermore, interning or volunteering in project management allows you to witness firsthand how teams collaborate and communicate effectively. You’ll learn from experienced professionals who are skilled at managing tasks, setting objectives, delegating responsibilities, resolving conflicts, and ensuring everyone stays aligned towards the common goal. Being part of such a dynamic environment teaches you not just about managing projects but also about teamwork dynamics that are crucial for success in any profession. So don’t underestimate the power of internships or volunteering when it comes to gaining hands-on experience and solidifying your foundation as

Pursuing Project Management certifications and training.

When it comes to pursuing project management certifications and training, there are a plethora of options available that can lead to overwhelming decision-making. However, focusing on the right credentials can make all the difference in boosting your career advancement prospects. While well-known certifications like PMP (Project Management Professional) from PMI have long been considered valuable, exploring other emerging certification programs can offer unique advantages.

One such certification that is gaining traction is Prince2. With Agile methodologies gaining popularity in project management circles, having expertise in Prince2 and its counterpart Prince2 Agile, they can give you an edge over competitors. Additionally, more organisations are adopting also Lean Six Sigma principles for process improvement projects, making a certification like Six Sigma Green Belt highly sought after. By broadening your skillset to include Agile and Lean Six Sigma practices through targeted certifications and training, you position yourself as a versatile project manager capable of handling diverse projects with enhanced efficiency.

Moreover, while certifications may serve as an important asset on your resume, practical experience cannot be overlooked either. Seek opportunities for hands-on experience by volunteering for cross-functional projects within your organisation or participating in industry-related events. Applying theoretical knowledge gained from certifications in real-world scenarios adds credibility to your profile and demonstrates your ability to navigate complex projects effectively.

By strategically selecting project management certifications that align with industry trends and complementing them with practical experience, you not only enhance your professional qualifications but also gain valuable insights into evolving project management practices. Embracing this continuous learning mindset equips you with the necessary tools to successfully tackle new challenges

Networking and building professional connections.

Networking and building professional connections in project management is not just about exchanging business cards or adding contacts on LinkedIn. It is a dynamic process that requires genuine engagement and establishing meaningful relationships. To make the most of networking opportunities, it is essential to have a clear goal in mind. Instead of aimlessly attending events or joining online communities, focus on finding specific individuals who share your interests and can offer valuable insights.

One effective way to network in project management is by attending industry conferences and events. These gatherings bring together professionals from different sectors of the industry, providing an excellent platform to meet new people, exchange ideas, and gain knowledge about emerging trends. Engaging in conversations with fellow attendees during breaks or participating in panel discussions can help you develop a network of like-minded professionals. For example the PMI runs conferences nearly once a month in most major cities.

Another vital aspect of networking in project management is maintaining relationships over time. Building professional connections is not a one-time event but an ongoing process that requires consistent effort. Regularly reaching out to your network through emails, meetings, or virtual platforms will strengthen those relationships and ensure that they remain beneficial for both parties involved.

By actively engaging with others in the field and nurturing professional connections, you open doors to countless opportunities for collaboration, mentorship, career advancement, and overall growth as a project manager

Conclusion: Taking the first steps towards becoming a project manager.

Congratulations! By reading this blog post, you have already taken the first step towards becoming a project manager. It’s an exciting journey that will require dedication, hard work, and a passion for leading teams to success. As a project manager, you will have the opportunity to bring ideas to life, solve complex problems, and make a tangible impact on organisations.

One important aspect of starting your journey as a project manager is gaining relevant experience. Whether it’s through internships, volunteering opportunities or taking on small projects within your current role, every experience counts. Don’t be afraid to take on new challenges and step outside of your comfort zone – this is where growth happens.

Networking is also essential in the field of project management. Connect with others in the industry through attending conferences and joining professional organisations. Building relationships can open doors to new opportunities and provide invaluable mentorship from seasoned professionals.

Embrace lifelong learning as a project manager. The field constantly evolves with new methodologies and technologies being introduced regularly. Stay updated by attending workshops or taking online courses to expand your knowledge base.

Remember, becoming a project manager is not an overnight process but rather an ongoing journey of growth and development. By continuously seeking new experiences, networking with others in the industry, and embracing learning opportunities, you are well on your way to achieving success in this exciting career path. So go ahead – take those first steps today!

Is a Business Analysis a good career?


Our Learning Consultants constantly get asked.

It’s becoming more popular and profitable in today’s technology-focused world. Companies need skilled professionals who can connect business and technology to achieve their goals using data and analytics. BAs are important because they understand business needs, assess technologies, find ways to improve, and implement new solutions. This profession is expected to grow as businesses increasingly rely on advanced systems and processes to make decisions.

Being a BA is a great career choice because it’s always changing. Technology is always evolving, so BAs have to keep learning and improving their skills. This helps them stay up to date with the latest advancements. BAs get to try out new tools and ways of doing things, which is exciting. They use their expertise to help businesses and come up with valuable ideas. BAs can stay interested in their work and adjust to what the market needs.

Moreover, being a successful BA requires technical prowess and strong interpersonal skills. BAs serve as trusted advisors to stakeholders across various departments within an organization, acting as the glue that brings different perspectives together for effective collaboration. Their ability to communicate complex technical concepts in easy-to-understand language contributes significantly towards aligning business goals with technological solutions.

Successful business analysts need both technical skills and strong interpersonal skills. They advise stakeholders from different departments and help them work together. They explain technical ideas in simple terms, which helps align business goals with technology.

How do I start a career in Business Analysis?

Starting a career in business analysis can be exciting and challenging. Industries worldwide are growing rapidly, creating a greater need for skilled professionals who can analyse and improve business processes. To begin your career in this field, it’s helpful to pursue relevant education and certifications. Completing a degree or diploma program does take longer however in Business Analysis, it’s important to gain practical experience through internships or entry-level positions.

Our Courses cater to career starters and click here for the Business Analysis Foundation course.

This hands-on experience within the course allows you to apply your knowledge in real-world situations and understand how businesses work. Networking is also important in this field. Attending industry events and joining professional associations can help you connect with others in the field and expand your opportunities.
CertHub can help you with that as well, as we have career coaches who can give you interview tips and tricks to land that job!

Are Business Analysts in high demand?

The need for business analysts is increasing because businesses rely on them to make data-driven decisions. Business analysts do more than just analyse data; they also understand the needs of different stakeholders and turn them into actionable insights. The demand for business analysts has been boosted by the COVID-19 pandemic because businesses needed help navigating uncertainties and finding opportunities. During this time, business analysts look at market trends, found ways to save money, and helped businesses stay competitive by changing their strategies. Technology is becoming more important in business, so there is a greater need for business analysts who are good with technology. These analysts work with data and use advanced tools like artificial intelligence and machine learning to find important information.

Does Business Analysis require coding?

Business analysts interpret data, identify business needs, and recommend solutions. In the past, coding skills were not seen as necessary for this job. However, there is a recent trend that suggests coding knowledge can greatly improve a business analyst’s effectiveness. While business analysts can succeed without coding skills, knowing how to code has several advantages in today’s digital world. For example, understanding and manipulating code helps analysts communicate better with developers and IT teams. This allows them to bridge the gap between technical and non-technical stakeholders during project discussions and requirement translations.

Coding skills help business analysts extract insights from data sources by writing scripts or queries. This saves time by avoiding the need to wait for IT teams to generate reports or perform complex data extractions. Understanding code also helps analysts identify potential issues in the system architecture and propose optimizations or alternate solutions. While not necessary, having coding knowledge is beneficial for business analysts in today’s tech-driven world. It facilitates communication with developers and allows for direct analysis of data sources. By acquiring basic coding expertise or collaborating with technical teams, business analysts can deliver successful outcomes through valuable insights and recommendations.


Conclusion to a Career in Business Analysis

In conclusion, the question of whether a career in Business Analysis is a good choice can be answered with a resounding “yes.” As we’ve explored in this article, the path to becoming a Business Analyst is accessible and well-defined. You can start your journey by acquiring the necessary skills and certifications, as outlined in the section on “How do I start a career in business analysis?”

To learn more about The Business Analysis Foundation course, click here or contact our learning consultants for assistance.

Furthermore, the demand for business analysts continues to grow across industries, making it a promising field for job seekers, as discussed in “Are business analysts in high demand?” Finally, the misconception that Business Analysts require coding skills has been debunked; while coding can be a valuable skill, it is not a strict requirement for success in this profession.

In today’s dynamic business landscape, where data-driven decisions are more critical than ever, a career in Business Analysis offers not only stability but also the opportunity to make a significant impact. So, if you’re considering a career change or just starting out in the job market, don’t hesitate to explore the possibilities that this field has to offer. Your journey as a Business Analyst may just be the path to a rewarding and fulfilling career.

Choose Globally Recognized Online Learning from Certhub Catering for Individuals and Businesses

Online Learning Courses

The Key To  Furthering Education is Conveninet Online Courses from CertHub

The popularity of studying online continues to grow because of the convenience. Online learning can be done at your own pace and literally anywhere there is an internet connection.

Popular places where people study online are at libraries and internet cafes, but you have the freedom to study anywhere really.

With the growth in technology many people are realizing that careers in IT can be both rewarding and enjoyable, and with CertHub you have a choice of premium IT courses to choose from and on completion become certified. Browse selected It courses and business project management which are our most popular choices for career professionals.

The common way to educate yourself has always been within the confines of classes at colleges schools and universities, but these have their limitations especially concerning times you need to attend the classes.

Online learning is comparably cheaper besides the convenience of studying at your own pace and time and with reputable online courses offered by Certhub you can become certified with a globally recognized qualification.

Online Learning for Business Employees and Individuals.

The main reason online courses are preferred over conventional schooling is the costs plus you have a wealth of options to choose from certainly wide enough to satisfy the most discerning choices.

Businesses or individuals can choose from a huge selection of online training courses and with many there are even options of online chat and email when you need to ask questions.

Businesses that enrol employees for online learning benefit in improved production, management and overall skills in the workplace from employees while also enhancing loyalty which is important in business today.

When students do not have the pressure of having to report to classes at specific times, or are limited by personal and working time constraints, their flexibility in doing online courses results in better pass rates.

Studying Online Courses

Individuals that are passionate about technology will find a myriad of IT courses and related Microsoft courses which are valuable when seeking careers or getting promotion in the workplace.

Investigate the online learning courses offered by Certhub and follow an easy process to subscribe in order to access all the material and lessons to become certified in a field of their choice.

Businesses will find a range of great options to choose from in subscription rates and you are welcome to contact us with your inquiry using the form provided.

Browse the huge selection of courses available with confidence of starting a globally recognized course and when you are ready to sit the exam you can become certified and be proud that you have learned a new skill both to enhance your career or to begin a new one.

Choose from our most popular IT courses at this link

Its Now Easy to Study Online and Choose from a Selection of Globally Recognised Courses

Online Courses to Study at Home

The Simple Way to Learn Online at Your own Pace

Gone are the days of sitting in classrooms listening to boring lectures, and since the advent of the internet, you can no study online in the comfort of your own home at your own pace. How internet savvy are you? Do you want to start an information technology career?

Our passionate team of professionals at Certhub provide a comprehensive selection of courses ranging from IT, to Business, and Project Management Certifications, and you can enjoy getting recognised certifications in the field you would like to excel in.

Employers have the golden opportunity to provide a range of courses to employees to enhance their skillsets, thus improving productivity and wellbeing as well as retention and loyalty.

When students study online they are able to access their material 24 hours a day any day of the week, and many courses offer further assistance from skilled teacher instructors through chat and email services.

*CertHub now offer businesses some exciting packages for employees to study online thus enhancing their skills in specific skills. Contact us for more details.

Choose your Course Become Certified in a Chosen Field.

If you are already in a career or wish to change direction and start in a new field you can choose your specific course and study online in your spare time. Each course details the outcome on completion.

Browse a selection of accredited courses in IT, Business, and many others as an individual and businesses will also discover we offer many courses related to their niche. Qualifications and education are important in today’s world when you are seeking employment or starting out in a new career.

Study online for new careers

The benefits of training employees for business is equally important to ensure employees meet and remain in ever changing trends especially in technology and marketing for some examples.

When you study online and become certified after passing the relevant exams your certification becomes part of your CV improving your chances of landing that dream job.

CertHub offers you a simple solution in online courses whether you are a business seeking training for employees or an individual wishing to become certified in a field of your choosing.

Work at your own pace when you study online and choose when you are ready to become certified. Follow simple instructions to sign up for our wide selection of courses. Our most popular courses are in technology field and we have added the newest to satisfy the most discerning choices.

Education can change your life when it concerns landing that career you always had a passion for. As the saying goes, when you are doing something you love, it is no longer a job….

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Choose Globally Recognised Online IT Courses and Become Certified on Completion

It Courses Online

Start Studying Online With Globally Recognized Online ItCourses (Information Technology  Courses).

We live in the age of technology and innovationsand in this age this continues to grow. The internet allows us to access information literally instantly, with the click of a mouse button, or with your finger ion a smart phone which almost everyone is carrying around which means you have the internet in your pocket or handbag.

With this growth in connectivity, automation, as well as the new AI (artificial intelligence), the need for skilled professionals to innovate and solve problems has grown equally fast in all sectors, from banking to manufacturing.

If you have been looking for a career in technology, and are passionate about the information age, you will be delighted to find that you can begin your career path by doing suitable IT online courses.

CertHub offer these online learning options, with many IT courses to choose from all globally recognized as qualifications, and best of all, you can complete these at your own pace and in your spare time.

Baby boomers believe technology has left them behind, and in this case always reach out to IT professionals for assistance across the board when it concerns internet technology and connectivity.

Most businesses have also embraced new innovations and software to streamline and automate processes, thus you can land an amazing career in these IT fields.

Study Your Choice of Online Courses for IT Starting today.

You can access some of the newest IT and project management online IT courses. Below are just a few examples of the most popular online It courses availbale from us, but there are many others to choose from.

Online It Courses

If you are truly dedicated to starting a career in information technology, the opportunity is right here. Even if you are employed, you can study online part time, on weekends, and wherever you like for that matter. Businesses can enhance employee skills through subscribing them to our online courses as well. (Contact us for special rates for multiple employees).

When you subscribe to your online course you will have access to all the material instantly; which can be worked through at your own pace. Certhub further offer businesses special subscription package deals for employees as we mentioned above, for those that wish to study and become certified in IT alternative fields.

Online IT courses are reading an video explanations intensive, and in each modules, there are self tests, so once you are comfortable with everything you have learned, a certification exam can be done for certification.

Some examples of what our  courses include are:

Over 220+ assets for online self-learning and when students have questions, there is access to email and chat for assistance.

Completing all these E-Learning E-courses are the initial steps in your educational path for certification exams once you are confident you know the information and can apply it. These IT courses modules provide you with:

Study Online

For those with a true desire to succeed, and start a career in IT these online courses are the perfect solution so invest in your future today.

Remember: Our IT Online courses can be completed at your own pace no matter how long it takes.  Naturally it makes sense to learn all the material before you move on to the next modules.

Businesses and individuals can browse through a huge selection of online courses we offer across a variety of fields and once you are satisfied, follow an easy process to subscribe and begin right away.

Choose COMPTIA A+ Training and Many other It Training Courses to Advance Your Career in Information Technology Today.

Comptia A+ training

COMPTIA A+ Training is perfect for those that wish to begin a career in IT, and if you have been looking for globally recognized certification you will find this, and many other online IT courses to get started in this field.

With the world technology innovation progressing at incredible speed, the demand for It professionals continue to increase, and if you have a passion to begin an exciting IT career then COMPTIA A+ Training from Certhub is your starting point.

This certification will provide you employment opportunities in the fields of information technology and you can go a step further by completing further courses in IT as you desire. As a matter of fact, individuals that hold this certification are in high demand, and highly paid to boot.

While Job Hunting, When You Show a COMPTIA A+ Certification Diploma It Will Open Many Doors For You.

At Certhub, we offer one of the best A+ training programs available, that cover a comprehensive amount of software, and computer related technologies.

This knowledge covers a broad spectrum in IT that will definitely increase your knowledge or renew it inline with the latest innovations on the market in 21st century IT technology.

Look forward to COMPTIA A+ Training where you have access to qualified instructors ready to assist you when you have queries, or need assistance all globally recognized training and ultimately certification.

Start COMPTIA A+ Training and Learn at Your Own Pace.

During COMPTIA A+ Training you will be able to do regular tests after each module, which will test your knowledge, and also ready you for final certification exams. This course provides some of the following skills:

It Training Australia

Those seeking to learn how to become IT specialists or advance their careers will do well to invest in this comprehensive A+ Training we provide.

Many past students that have completed our courses at Certhub have been delighted with the step by step methodology, and layout of the courses, and better still the access to assistance when you need through chat support and email.

What is more desirable is that you can study at your own pace, in your own time, without having the pressures of attending classes.

After you have subscribed to our COMPTIA A+ Training and achieved your certification, you can choose further It courses to supplement this, which gives you the option of staying abreast of newer technology and software that is constantly being introduced.

Get the COMPTIA A+ Training course from us, and learn at your own pace until you are ready to write the certification examinations.

There are many skilled IT professionals that do not have A+ certification yet, and this is stopping their potential for further advancement in their careers.

Now that you have discovered our It courses online, you can get the best possible training course for your money, for A+ Training or choose from dozens of other courses regarding software and internet technologies.

Our A+ training gives you experience in a variety of IT fields, and we are confident of this being one of the most comprehensive courses available. Many businesses will gladly accept you when you show you have A+ certification, and corporate businesses will not hire IT professionals unless they can show this certificate.

Take some time to have a look at a summary of what you will learn in all our courses, and when you are satisfied, use secure online subscription to order your preferred training.

Learn More Here


Chief Benefits to Study Online Learning Courses to Further Your Career, or Begin a New One.

Online Learning Courses Australia


Land Your Dream Career After Completing Online Certification Courses from CertHub.

The computer age coupled with the internet has given rise to the convenience of studying with online learning courses. Whether you live in Australia or anywhere in the world for that matter there is a globally recognized course suitable for what you seek. Find the most comprehensive selction of IT and business courses online and get started with our easy enrolling process.

There are many reasons studying online has its own benefits, but we will address these once again in case you haven’t realized just how online courses can help you get the education you need all without the stress, and high costs compared to conventional learning.

Businesses and individuals can benefit studying online, and perhaps you are thinking of starting a career you are passionate about to get out of an unsatisfying job you hate. You can start as early as today by choosing from a wealth of courses, where you will certainly find what you need. Contact us with any inquiries and we will be glad to help.

Lets go over some common benefits of online learning courses:

1) The Ultimate learning Convenience.  No pressure in studying and instant gratification of having access to the material to study at your leisure. Online classes are growing in leaps and bounds in popularity because there are no time constraints and you decide when you are ready to write the examinations with confidence to become certified.

2) Flexibility to study at your own pace. You can study whenever and wherever you like when doing online learning courses. During your lunch  break at work, on weekends, or whenever you have free time for that matter. There is no time limit and when you have fully grasped the material and have confidence you are happy you can take the certification exams.

3) Study where you like at any Location. This is something everyone loves. You can complete the online courses in the comfort of your own home on your own time as mentioned above. Study in a library at an internet café or in the local park in the sunshine, or wherever you feel comfortable as long as you have internet access.

4) Inexpensive compared to conventional schooling. Colleges and campuses come with high costs in tutoring fees and classes, books and extras. Online learning courses are a fraction of the price and you will still get a certification once you have done the examinations. Conventional classes mean transport costs to get there, meals and student fees.  All you need for online courses is a good computer or laptop internet access and somewhere suitable to you without distractions to study the material.

5) Online courses teach you to become internet savvy. While studying online you improve your internet skills in many ways like when it requires doing research, accessing the course material and internet connectivity. You will be surprised at the internet skills you pick up along the way in managing email, using search engines, documenting your progress and lots more besides.

6) Individual help when needed. For many online courses offered by CertHub you can access live chat and email when you get stuck applicable to specific courses. Qualified professionals are ready to help you with personal uninterrupted interactions. If you are studying with friends then you can also get help when needed through discussions on material, all which help you become comfortable with what you are learning.

Click Below to View all Our Course Selections

Online courses for Studying at Home


Although these are the main benefits of online learning courses, there are many others but most importantly online studying does not come with any pressure considering you work at your own pace.  This way you can be completely comfortable you know each section before moving on to the next module.

Take online courses according to your specific needs with certhub and once certified you can move on to complementing courses until you become a professional in your field. Education is something we gain throughout life whether formally or informally and online courses make everything so much simpler.

Check out our online course offerings here

Top 5 Tips for Preparing for the ITIL®4 Foundation Certification Exam

ITIL® 4 represents a massive paradigm shift in the information technology service management (ITSM) framework. With this latest iteration, the first in eight years, the developers of ITIL strive to prepare learners for the new technologies, lifecycles, and agile approaches to service co-creation existing in the workplace. Currently, I am teaching the following Skillsoft ITIL 4 Foundation courses, which offer learners a broad and comprehensive curriculum that will prepare candidates for the ITIL 4 certification examination. These courses include the core components of the Service Value System and cover subjects such as the ITIL Service Value Chain, the ITIL Practices, the ITIL Guiding Principles, IT Governance, and Continual Improvement.

Many of you will be familiar with ITIL®3 and perhaps are wondering if it is possible to simply update to the new exam. Given how dramatically the standard has shifted, I would recommend that candidates start fresh and go through all of Skillsoft’s nine new courses, which fully align with AXELOS’ ITIL 4 syllabus and certification exam objectives. For example, in our new ITIL 4 curriculum, it covers the new Service Value System and Service Value Chain, which replaces the ITILv3 Service Lifecycle. Also, there are now 34 Practices as opposed to 26, and they are divided into three categories: general management, service management, and technical management. There is also a greater emphasis on governance and automation in the new path.

What do candidates need to know for ITIL 4 certification?

The following are the main five topics anyone pursuing ITIL certification will need to know:

  1. ITIL Practices

This area is a large percentage of the exam. So, for example, you will need a good understanding of the Service Desk practice, the different types of changes in Change Management, and the three phases of Problem Management, to name just a few. You will find that our courses the necessary practices for the Foundation exam in the latter part of the curriculum.

  1. The Service Value Chain

All students must identify the elements of the Service Value Chain) and their basic definitions, which I go over in the Service Value Chain course. Knowing these areas will help you to better understand the new Service Value System.

  1. Key Concepts of Service Management

At the beginning of the training, all learners will discover the relationship between value and various stakeholders, core concepts, relationships, and definitions, such as “utility” and “warranty.”

  1. The Service Value System and the 7 Guiding Principles

The other main areas of the exam explore the definitions, inputs, and outcomes of the Service Value System, along with the seven guiding principles that embody the core message of ITIL and service management in general. You will find these elements covered in the Service Value Chain and Guiding Principles courses of the curriculum.

  1. Exam Layout

While the curriculum content is extensive, there are only 40 questions on the exam. Candidates need to know how to define all of the critical aspects of the Service Value System but do not need to possess an in-depth understanding of the area. That level of detail falls within the Managing Professional and Strategic Leader certifications.

Skillsoft’s ITIL 4 Foundation curriculum not only prepares learners for the ITIL 4 certificate exam, it is also the cornerstone professionals need as they move further along the IT service management path to ITIL Master. ITIL 4 Foundation is not the goal, but rather, the first step on a journey to genuine continual improvement using ITIL as the framework.

Have a look at the course details here:

***A guest blog post from Michael Shannon senior technical instructor and content developer at Skillsoft specialising in all things ITIL, cloud, and security.


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Specialised Talent 

As always the face and fabric of technology is going to continue to change and as the larger changes have slowed somewhat in terms of the seismic shifts they have caused in the way we do business social media, IT security, WI-FI and the speed of connection we are now seeing more innovation to software, technology hardware and specialisation to support these changes and innovations driving the changes.


The areas we can see these being the greatest within are to keep it general:


Talent – All IOT sorts of specialisation will become scarce

A huge shift in terms of service roles and the use of data to leverage growth and drive customer interaction will be the replacement of the customer facing skills and increasing use of front line automation – think your local supermarket self service check out.

Not only does this mean having to redistribute and re-skill the customer facing staff that have been replaced, but also the talent that will go into building these automated platforms as they will become increasingly scarce, as the AI driven model will take over from these original solution architects and possibly that skill is lost to the machines also?

The cycle is felt like ripples in a pond, touching all parts of the industry even in smaller ways or not immediately but in the near future on the shoreline.

2019 will also see a number of challenges new and old for the HR and Learning, Development & Education industries as we also face being agile and making sure we move with the industry and listen to the clients and candidates in regards to not only the challenges they face now but also how they and their counterparts overcomes these shifting sands.


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As always the face and fabric of technology is going to continue to change and as the larger changes have slowed somewhat in terms of the seismic shifts they have caused in the way we do business social media, IT security, WI-FI and the speed of connection we are now seeing more innovation to software, technology hardware and specialisation to support these changes and innovations driving the changes.


The areas we can see these being the greatest within are to keep it general:



I would say that security is the most critical technology-driven part fo driving a companies future due to the high value of any user generated data. The reason being that organizations use more and more data, they pour of more and more user demographics, this is the security of sensitive information such as credit-card numbers and identifying information – any company, big or small,  cannot afford to have this valuable information and trust (between customer and business compromised) broken, exposed or stolen.


A single unrecognized and week point of attack is all it takes to unleash a reputation damaging attack that could cost into the millions of dollars to fix for your business.  Making sure your organization has no IT Security skills gap(s) is a business must have so you can upgrade your protection and reduce your risk.  With security at the top of the list of worries, businesses must truly grasp and institute effective measures to mitigate these known risks.


Of course this include being educated on prevalent security risks and resulting policies surrounding 3rd party software, remote staff and employees, BYOD, any printing, legacy equipment and it’s innate weaknesses) , vendor management, obsolete training and security policies, social engineering, and public or lax and/or unsecured WiFi. All these factors can have real, financial and reputation implications for both the short and long term company outlook.


Why Job Titles in IT Matter?

Network Engineer at work


If you search for the number of IT professionals globally, the results invariably consist of data that concerns developers rather than IT professionals.

Also, in a good share of industry reports, analysts categorize those working within the profession as either software developers or tech professionals. One thing that holds true is that the estimated 21 million tech professionals/developers/IT people are getting lumped into one imperfect classification.

Does this matter? Yes.

Here’s why. In the next few years, we anticipate a global shortage of developers of upwards of 1,000,000 people. However, this figure includes only those who possess a specific knowledge or skill set and does not include those working in the industry who function as support staff or those who serve other peripheral roles.

We are talking instead about the people who build technologies and deploy, test and deliver software and systems to an organization and its customers.

But today it’s more than that. It’s the people with the skills to assist an organization transform from large monolithic software systems to federated, distributed, microservices architecture. In other words, it’s professionals who understand and embrace a modern view of IT where technology and developers are at the center of change


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